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You can watch the limited time webinar replay below and also hear all the juicy details about Self Coaching Society.

(Don’t worry — this isn't one of those webinars that’s just a giant sales pitch! It’s chocked full of value you can use whether or not you decide to join us!)

Hey you, yes you!

You deserve to be excited about your life!

I have an important question for anyone who doesn’t feel steady, inspired, and ALIVE daily:

What's the difference between a life that feels like the night before a vacation: cheery, carefree, and full of bubbly anticipation for all the goodness ahead… and one that's more like a gray Tuesday morning when your alarm cuts through the stillness and your first thought is a stressful one?

There’s a simple answer to that question that anyone can apply to live a richly satisfying life.

Hi, I’m Susie Moore.

And when I'm not sipping iced coffee in the Miami sunshine with my husband, Heath, and Yorkie, Coconut, I'm a life coach, bestselling author, and wellness writer. I've been featured in Oprah magazine, Dr. Oz, the Today show, Well+Good, Cosmo, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, and Good Morning America. I'm also the resident life coaching columnist for Greatist, the #1 health and wellness site for Millenials.
“Having a sense of meaning and purpose is key to a thriving life. Susie Moore not only helps you discover your own purpose, but offers a practical guide for making it the driving force in your life.”
Arianna Huffington
Founder of Huffington Post and Thrive Global
“Susie Moore’s Let It Be Easy wisdom might change your life. It’s changed mine. Susie’s the real deal.”
Amy Purdy
3x Olympic Medallist and New York Times Bestselling Author
”Part Shaman. Part Therapist. 100% Inspiration. Let go of doing things the hard way! If you have been ‘a struggler’ look no further than your heaven-sent Master Teacher of Ease.”
Sheri Salata
Former Executive Producer of The Oprah Winfrey Show and President of the OWN Network
I want to be upfront that I’m NOT:
A “work ‘til your eyes bleed!” hustle pusher.
A devotee of any particular guru or method that exists.
A coach who specializes in processing trauma and emotional hardship.
I’m just obsessed with getting phenomenal results… the fun and easy way.
I'm a rare blend of woo-woo (I'm all about dreaming big and manifesting) AND super practical (I'm big on proven action steps). This combo helped me achieve a $500K/year corporate career, help build 3 Silicon Valley startups (all of which were sold) and start a multi-million dollar a year coaching business. All without taking life too seriously or sacrificing my daily crime show obsession.
The most important thing for you to know about me?
I don't have a college degree.
I didn't have a single connection when I moved to the U.S.
I grew up with nothing, shared between four sisters and a single mum, often showing up at school wearing my classmates' hand-me-downs.
I lost my dad to addiction at age 19.
I was divorced by 23.
I've been through some tough stuff, probably just like you. There's no suffering hierarchy — we've all experienced some. Any one of those things could've held me back. But I was lucky enough to find my first self-help book at age 15 that taught me that achieving my dreams began and ended with my mind. And after reading over 600 self-help books since then and helping thousands of clients and students create tangible results in their lives, here's the reality I know to be true:
Everyone on Earth can live a richly satisfying life, no matter what “limitations” they believe in.

And if you’ll let me, I’ll help you do just that.

It doesn’t take special skills, a particular personality type, or an extraordinary amount of money or resources.

… But you probably don’t really believe that, do you? 😉

I get it! That’s because you’re savvy. After all, if it were so simple to have an incredible life, why hasn’t everyone achieved it?

I know that your life might feel “OK”. But, I also know that there’s more for you. So why don’t we all wake up in the morning, excited for what the day has in store…

… And have our heads hit the pillow at night satisfied… content with the activities, people, and events that filled it?

If you’re like most self-help-curious people…

You started your journey with stars in your eyes — exhilarated for the promised happiness and abundance that was just around the corner.

Maybe you made the vision boards, wrote in your journal, chanted “I’m hot, happy, and wealthy!” in front of the mirror.

Maybe you followed a morning routine, one that was “guaranteed” to revolutionize your entire day and set you up for boundless energy, success, and good vibes.

Maybe you even hired a life coach to help you bust through your blocks, discover your purpose, and rewrite your future.

… And then did a juice cleanse and some cryotherapy, just for good measure.

You were READY. You believed change was possible.

You knew you could be the next success story of someone who transformed their life beyond their biggest dreams.

And you weren’t dreaming of worldwide fame, more Birkin bags than a Kardashian, or a butler named Jeeves to bring you cappuccinos in bed.

You just wanted to feel peace (and exhilaration!) daily. To do meaningful work. To feel like you’re making good decisions. That you’re on the right path. To have a circle of loving people around you. Maybe to treat yourself to a pair of gorgeous shoes, a lovely lunch out with yourself, and trips to beautiful places once in a while. Hey — you’re supposed to experience pings of euphoria about YOUR LIFE!

No amount of staring at your vision board made any of it come to life. Talking to yourself in the mirror just reminded you that you didn't feel hot, happy, or wealthy. The only thing your morning routine gave you was an hour's less sleep.

You wanted your coach to tell you exactly what to do to achieve your goals. Instead, you got a yes-(wo)man who encouraged you, but you never made real headway towards your big dreams.

And as you look at your vision board and realize none of it's materialized, you're starting to seriously doubt your dreams are achievable. Maybe an easy, vibrant life just isn't in the cards for you. And you think perhaps you should quit wasting your time and just accept that life's as good as it's gonna get.

If ANY of this sounds familiar…

If you know that your life isn’t as exciting as it could be, but you can’t seem to bridge the gap…

If you’ve tried reading self-help books and attending workshops but still know there’s more for you…

Then keep reading:

Because what you’re about to discover could be the moment when everything starts to change — the one you’ll look back on a few weeks from now when you wake up in the morning, feeling different. Feeling full of anticipation for your future.


You DESERVE to be excited about your life!!

Joy is your birthright. YOU are your greatest asset in making joy your reality and deserve a shortcut! You shouldn't have to put in years of hard grind before you turn your life around. You deserve the fast track of powerful practices to get you massive results on your busy schedule. I didn't write the book Let It Be Easy for nothin'!

Over the past 8 years as a life coach, I've worked with thousands of people and shared my tips with the likes of Dr. Oz, the Today show, Good Morning America, Cosmopolitan, and Oprah. And over that time, I've developed a practical method to quickly and permanently fill your life with more ease, success, and meaning.

It’s called the Mind Motor Method and it will help you:
Jump from goal setting to taking action, so you create a snowball of pleasurable wins in your life faster than you currently believe.
Stay positive, feel energized, and make progress towards what matters most no matter what happens in the outside world (hey, life "goes wrong" sometimes — I've got you)!
Drop the conditioning of who you’re “supposed to” be and change course to what aligns with who you really are ← especially important for serial people pleasers!
Be your own cheerleader, block out unhelpful negative feedback, and take constructive feedback in your stride.
Live a lighter, less stressful life and allow blessings to come to you easily through practical manifesting.
Trust yourself so that you can quickly make the right decision for yourself every time WITHOUT spending hours overthinking it (this is a *huge* productivity hack)!
Have closer relationships and attract the exact kind of people you love into your circle.
Stop procrastinating and get major sh*t done!

All of these results are entirely within your reach, whether this is your first dip into the personal development pool or you’ve been prioritizing self-growth for ages…

… Because your outcome depends on a results-oriented system, one that's based on proven wellness practices and razor-sharp action steps, while avoiding well-meaning self-help distractions that feel good for a moment but don't actually last.

…This same system is underpinning everything from my multi-million dollar a year business and global media features to my loving marriage and inspiring network of friends… despite being a welfare girl from a small town in England with no college degree or connections in America.


One that you'll tell your friends about when, weeks from now, they ask why your life suddenly looks so much better, more productive, and way more fun. They'll want to know your secret!

I can’t wait to introduce you to my signature system to let your life unfold in the way you’ve always wanted.

Who am I to tell you all this?

I love, love, love Susie Moore and being part of the SCS community! Using TMMM, Susie has helped me to expose those limiting beliefs for the unhelpful (and mostly unjustified!) self-imposed, stories that they are! My family, friends and colleagues have all commented on a change in my energy and outlook!

“I love, love, love Susie Moore and being part of the SCS community!

I had followed Susie’s work for a while, but I was still a bit hesitant about subscribing to SCS, and almost scrolled on by – but I’m so glad that I didn’t.

For as long as I can remember I’ve allowed my negative self-beliefs to define me! Through SCS, I have realized how those beliefs (and it turns out I had more than I realized!) have been playing on a constant loop, affecting how I show up in the world, and preventing me from being and achieving so much.

Using TMMM, Susie has helped me to expose those limiting beliefs for the unhelpful (and mostly unjustified!) self-imposed, stories that they are!

From day one I was able to access content and replay past coaching calls straight away! I’ve gone in and listened again and again – so much of the content resonates with how I think and feel.

I love listening to the coaching calls – it’s so reassuring to hear others similar stories and experiences – you know you are not alone! And Susie’s positivity, warmth, and joy for life is so infectious. I always come away inspired to take positive action, and some of the guided exercises she takes you through are so powerful they blow your mind!

Since being part of the SCS community, I have been able to re-write my negative ‘stories’ and upgrade my beliefs so that they better align with who I am, what I want to be, do, and have in my life! As a result, I feel calmer, happier, more confident and am learning to love and trust myself. And its not just me who has noticed a shift – my family, friends and colleagues have all commented on a change in my energy and outlook!

I have even developed the confidence to make some big changes in my life. And this is just the beginning of my journey!

Thank you, Susie – I will be eternally grateful to you, your team & the SCS community for literally changing my life!”

Kate Dibble
SCS Member

“If you’re reading this right now, then you might be wondering if Susie really is as funny, insightful, and positive as she appears online. And the truth is? She’s even better.

Susie is the rare type of human who transforms every room she walks into; her confidence and exuberance are palpable. But Susie doesn’t stop at being the life of any party — she’s also an incredible life coach who has effortlessly guided me through challenging life experiences.

She always seems to know the most loving, wise and empowering thing to say to help me move past any personal issue. There’s no way you won’t feel more confident and joyful just by being in her presence. So don’t hesitate to learn from her — it will change your life for the better.”

Melyssa Griffin

Someone younger than me had to be able to teach me how to enter this world in my 50s to create my next chapter.

Someone younger than me had to be able to teach me how to enter this world in my 50s to create my next chapter.

Susie Moore’s world is a great one to bring yourself into. I learn so much from her early days synthesis and grounding to who she is now. This story drew me in closer, as I know if Susie can overcome childhood misfortunes, I can too.

I have been struggling to unleash my talents in the business I am creating. Something was holding me back.

With Self Coaching Society, I feel like I have transformed. It brought me to a new level of awareness. I especially love the mentoring quality of SCS that is perfectly done in a virtual group, available anytime you need it. It is therapeutic in a social way. I needed exactly this! Thank you Susie and team! You have all supported me in a unique way that I never imagined until I joined Self Coaching Society!

I now have launched a course, developing a new course and working on the tweaks to marketing and launch my first course a second time. Confidence is solid. I feel grounded and have established what I am doing. Let the transformation continue.

Angela Rosoff
SCS Member


The RESULTS-ORIENTED and FEEL-GOOD monthly coaching community to help you lose your limits, pinpoint your dreams and passions, and take strategic action to experience what you want most in life.

I’ve spent over 10 years as a life coach working with clients who:
Struggle to make peace with themselves and feel consistent, authentic confidence, no matter how many motivational quotes they save in their Instagram library.
Are tired of feeling like life’s just “fine” and living in 2D when they know it’s meant to be in exciting, vivid-color 3D.
Read loads of self-help books and attend workshops, yet still can’t create exciting, long-term change in their lives.
But who also knows that life can be so much more than they’re seeing now… so they’re motivated to finally turn the corner and become the person they truly are (without the “life is hard” noise dragging them down).
The result is my easy-to-follow Mind Motor Method to overcome limiting beliefs, hardwire your brain for success, and take inspired action to build a life that you’re delighted to wake up to every morning.

Get 70% off – for a limited time

Join today for just $97 USD

(Followed by $29 monthly)
No commitment required — cancel anytime!
“Susie Moore has a truly special gift of making you feel like you can do absolutely anything your heart desires — and actually showing you how to achieve it. Her [work] is highly practical, relatable, and fun.”
Farnoosh Torabi
Oprah Magazine's finance columnist

“SCS delivers exceptional content, through Zoom, videos and the SCS community. I’ve achieved exceptional results. I was not in a ‘bad’ place, however I wanted more and felt stuck. With SCS methods I now feel a sense of complete freedom, to think expansively and more importantly take action. My life has accelerated in numerous ways, personally and in business.

The Zoom calls have fast become one of my favorite parts of the course. You can actually ask Susie Moore questions; YES! She is an absolute master at drilling down to the core she understands why you’re ‘stuck’ and gives you the solution there and then!”

Sandra Scherfler
SCS Student

“I have found Self Coaching Society to be an incredible self coaching program. Susie teaches a coaching methodology, The Mind Motor Method (TMMM), that is an easy and powerful self coaching method that is creating everlasting change in my life and is allowing me to create the life I desire.

Susie has not only provided me with an incredible self coaching method, but she also has provided me with a safe space to receive encouragement, inspiration, and loving support from other self coaching members.

Susie has also provided for me, through group coaching calls, guidance that has led me to so many self-discoveries. These discoveries have shifted how I see myself and the world and have shined a light on the truth of who I am.

Susie is wise, loving, caring, and has a special gift for helping others move forward on their personal journey.

I highly recommend Susie’s coaching program to anyone that wants to create the life they desire; to live their best incredible life.”

Joyce DiPasquale
SCS Member

Luckily, it’s easy to keep your Mind Motor sharp each month. Here’s how:

My top picks to stoke your inspirational fire:
I read all the books and do all of the research for you… and I pass on only the very best, so you don’t waste your time with empty calories of the self-help world.
Fun featured experts:
I love sharing good people with good people! You’ll enjoy relaxed guest interviews with leaders in the wellness space, along with experts in finance, relationships, psychology, business, and many, many more. Listening to inspiring success stories (along with their insider tips, because you know I want their secret shortcuts!) is the perfect fuel to keep your inner fire burning strong. *Also: celebrity alert!*
Coaching on your specific issues:
You’ve been living with your current thought and action patterns for decades. So as you apply these techniques, questions or hurdles are bound to come up. During our live monthly Q&A sessions, you can get personalized advice from me to overcome your challenges and come back to yourself and the possibilities of your life. You’ll also have our private Facebook community to get fresh feedback and inspiration from guest experts and other members, too.

Get 70% off – for a limited time

Join today for just $97 USD

(Followed by $29 monthly)
No commitment required — cancel anytime!
“Susie Moore is a hustler—in the very best sense of the word. She didn’t go to business school, and yet she’s helped build three successful startups. She didn’t go to journalism school, and yet she’s a bestselling author with bylines at some of the top publications in the country. She’s the queen of getting sh*t done and she’ll show you how to overcome procrastination. Get ready to destroy your to-do list.”

Exactly what’s included inside of Self Coaching Society?

Each month inside Self Coaching Society, we’ll focus on a different topic. Here are just a few sample month topics to get your motor running:
Secrets to unshakeable self-confidence using my self-coaching method.
How to overcome procrastination, stop overthinking, and start doing more.
Practical manifesting to let life be easy!
Building deeper friendships, being more open, and having hard conversations (while staying on great terms).
The ultimate wealth mindset to have a BFF relationship with money.
Aligning with your spouse/partner on life goals.
Feel-good boundary-setting to protect your peace in tricky or complicated relationships.
Managing anxiety and worrying less.
Becoming more resilient (I call this being "rejection-proof").
Dialing up your personal magnetism and charisma.
Achieving a satisfying work/life balance that fits your unique rhythms.
Finding a career or starting a business you love.

“I was so excited to have the opportunity to be coached by Susie on live Zoom calls each month. It has honestly been the best money that I have spent this year.

Every call is a reminder that I can allow EASE into my life. Susie’s energy is contagious, and I feel ENERGIZED and LIGHTER after each call. I love writing down all the nuggets of wisdom and tools that Susie shares. I learn something on every call. This program has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Susie is like a beautiful bright light. I feel so fortunate to feel and see that light in my life through her program. SCS has been invaluable for me. I cannot recommend it enough.”

Lupe Prado
SCS member

Susie is unlike many life coaches I’ve seen because she shares common sense and simple tools that can be applied to get immediate change and results.

“I look forward to my regular Zoom calls with Susie Moore and her Self Coaching Society group! I always learn something new about myself with guidance from Susie – usually something I wouldn’t have found without her insightful tools.

When I can’t make a call, I’m grateful that I can access the recorded calls and more on her easy to use members only website. Bonus is the extra videos that I can listen to on the go or watch from my computer, tablet or phone.

Susie is unlike many life coaches I’ve seen because she shares common sense and simple tools that can be applied to get immediate change and results.

If you love Susie’s books and her podcast, then joining Self Coaching Society is the perfect next step. You get access to Susie herself each month for a reasonable fee and online tools available to you anytime online.”

Jackie Terribile
SCS Member

“To say that Susie Moore’s Self Coaching Society has changed my life would be an understatement. I am simply not the person I was before working with Susie. I could see the positive results in my life immediately!

Susie is a gentle and qualified guide who has a gift for shining light on your personal blind spots. Being a member of SCS has been a gift to me, and the amount of value for the information is not even quantifiable!

If there is any part of you that feels called to work with Susie, I urge you to jump right in! You will feel loved and supported in this wonderful community, and every area of your life will be improved. I cannot recommend SCS highly enough. I hope to see you on the next live coaching session!”

Jennifer A. Beaumont
SCS member

Every month inside Self-Coaching Society, you’ll receive:

Video Training
Video trainings to upgrade your thinking and align your actions in a specific area of your life — so each month, you'll move a mile in one direction rather than an inch in a hundred directions.
Targeted action steps in a super clear workbook — to apply what you learn to GET REAL RESULTS without wasting time, falling for distractions, or endlessly overthinking what to do.
A private and interactive community to share wins, get feedback on questions, and make meaningful friendships that go way beyond surface-level.
Two Live Q&A sessions with me every month to get personalized support and feedback — to quickly unblock you, strategize on specific issues, and get on the path of taking action and stacking your wins. My 1:1 coaching is no longer for sale — this is the closest thing to me as your life coach and confidante!


Confidence-building techniques pulled from the fields of life coaching and behavioral psychology to become your own biggest cheerleader
A hitlist of fresh inspiration — videos, books, podcasts, TED talks (and more!) to keep you high-vibe and motivated. What I'm reading and tuning into that's worth it — you're the first to know!
Exclusive behind-the-scenes trainings (these are life-changing!).
Fun featured experts sharing proven real-world tips — to get juicy insider shortcuts and tricks from the real experts, to help you find the easy way).

Get 70% off – for a limited time

Join today for just $97 USD

(Followed by $29 monthly)
No commitment required — cancel anytime!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Try the membership for 7 days and if you don’t think it’s for you, we’ll gladly refund you.

I want to make something clear upfront!

This membership will work for you if you believe:
The universe is FOR you, not against you.
That self-reliance matters — only you are responsible for your life and wellbeing.
IN SHORT… Self Coaching Society is the closest thing to having me as your life coach. You’ll access the same proven practices, focused action plans, personalized feedback, and massive dose of inspiration I’d share with you as a private client… but you’ll pay about 99% less.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I join Self-Coaching Society over the million other life coaching programs out there?

K, I’m gonna be kinda bold in saying this...but this membership is way more fun than anything else out there. 💁‍♀️

People come to me for the easy and fun way of doing things. I don’t believe hard work = success (or that success has to be particularly hard work), yet I still get pretty sweet results.

If you want PR, for example, you could hire a fancy publicist, spend thousands in retainer fees, create a media kit, pay a platform to feature you…OR you could do it the Susie way and email an editor at Marie Claire with a simple pitch (how I landed my first paid article in a major magazine.)

If you want to start a business, you could earn a degree in a new subject, network like crazy, spend months creating the perfect logo and website, get professional headshots taken...OR you could do it the Susie way and call a few people asking who needs a life coach (how I started my seven-figure business for $0.)

If you want to feel happier and let go of emotional baggage, you could spend years in therapy, rehashing every crappy thing that (rightfully) makes your soul hurt, confronting demons in your past and present...OR you could do it the Susie way and use simple daily practices to retrain your brain to focus on the possibilities and options before you (how I enjoy life even though I grew up on welfare and in women’s shelters, lost my dad to addiction, and was divorced at 23.)

The whole reason what I teach works is because I make it light and fun. Humans naturally don’t want to do things that are super hard. I mean, when’s the last time you had to try to watch Netflix or eat pizza? Never! Because those things are easy and fun so you WANT to do them.

It’s the same with this membership. I take stuffy self-help, behavioral and neuroscience research, and boring productivity systems and make it fun so you actually want to do this stuff. That’s why my members and clients get such stellar results! The world can be your playground.

Did your parents ever tell you “we can do this the easy way or the hard way?” Self-Coaching Society is like the former. You’ll get the same outcome, even better in many cases, than you would with other militant coaching programs. But it’ll be way more easy and fun.

I want to do this but I’m already so busy. How will I find the time?

Oh, I hear you on this! Back in my corporate career (especially when I was juggling a side hustle!) I had to focus to succeed at it all. I know you’re busy with life, too. I’ve factored that into the membership…

As part of Self-Coaching Society, you’ll get super clear on what you want from your life. This clarity is life-changing when it comes to prioritizing your time! Many people free up hours each month by cutting out things that don’t fill them with joy, purpose, and excitement. So just by getting clear on your vision, you’ll likely find ways to free up space in your schedule. Quick win!

The key with Self-Coaching Society is that it’s results-oriented. You’ll feel empowered as a member...but we’ll also channel those good feelings towards producing real-world results. I make sure every minute you spend with me is directly tied to a tangible outcome in your life.

I’m also obsessed with shortcuts and the “easy way”. Self-Coaching Society is packed with insider tricks to get what you want fast, without wasting your limited time and energy on things that don’t matter.

And finally, I’ve found one of the biggest time-sucks is second-guessing yourself, which is related to low confidence. When you’re empowered, you move way faster than when you’re not feeling good enough. Clients say part of my magic is helping them feel worthy and sure of themselves so they can tackle their to-do lists way more efficiently. I bet you’ll be getting more done solely because of the newfound confidence you feel as a result of working together.

Okay let’s be real here: I’m not educated / charismatic / young / connected / beautiful / well-off enough and I KNOW that’s gonna hold me back (it has before). How will I overcome those setbacks and get results?

Here’s the truth:

A joyful life isn’t just for the charming, rich, Harvard grads of the world. (Although I get why it seems that way sometimes.) It’s for EVERYONE.

But if you think having gray hair will hold you back, it will. If you think not graduating from college will hold you back, it will. If you think not knowing a single person in the room will hold you back, it will. But here’s the cool thing about that…

The reverse is also true. So if you believe those things won’t hold you back, they totally won’t! As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.”

Vera Wang didn’t design her first dress until she was 40. Walt Disney filed for bankruptcy and started the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio with a family loan. Supermodel Winnie Harlow became a success because of her skin pigment condition, vitiligo. I have a seven-figure business, for goodness sake, and I don’t even have a college education!

You can do ANYTHING, my love. You can design what you want to perfectly fit who you are. There are no limitations.

So if you’re worried about something in you that’s “not enough,” Self-Coaching Society is made to be in your life! Because when you retrain your mind to think differently (as you will inside Self-Coaching Society) you won’t see the same limitations anymore. You’ll be too busy going all-in on your strengths.

How is this different from other self-help things I’ve already tried that didn’t work?

I’ve personally read over 600 self-help books...not all of them good. So I know where you’re coming from! And the fact is, not all self-help leads to lasting change.

Most self-help is heavy on the woo-woo spiritual stuff: the vision boards, the mantras, the dreaming. And that’s great! It’s vital to have a clear vision and good feelings if you want to improve your life. But it’s missing three key areas...

1) SPECIFIC advice to create tangible change

2) Clear ACTION STEPS (with a cheeky shortcut or two) to generate fast results

3) ONGOING METHODS to continue improving your life in the long-term

You need all 3 of those combined with the initial burst of good feelings to get results...that’s the magic combo! And that’s exactly what you get with Self-Coaching Society.

This is a results-oriented membership. Everything you’ll do — from reprogramming your thinking to taking bold action to filling your mind with the best content that exists in the world so far — is designed to produce tangible results. I mean - the stuff that other people actually see too, and comment on!

Unlike traditional self-help that’s focused on how you feel, we give just as much weight to what's showing up in your life. So you won’t have to wonder if it’s working; you’ll KNOW it is just by looking around at all you’ll achieve (get ready to take your “before” pic now)!

And remember, we’ve got a super easy cancellation policy. So if you’re not getting results, you can cancel your membership at any time. You’re not locked into anything. So you’re always in control!

Can you remind me of what I’m getting when I join today?

Of course! Every month inside Self-Coaching Society, you’ll receive:
  • An in-depth video training to align your actions with improved thinking in a specific area of your life— so each month, you’ll move a mile in one direction, rather than an inch in a hundred directions. Each month, there will be an even newer you!
  • Targeted action steps in a super clear workbook — to apply what you learn to GET REAL RESULTS without wasting time, falling for distractions, or endlessly overthinking what to do
  • Liva Q&A with me to get personalized support and feedback — to quickly unblock you, strategize on specific issues, and get on the path of taking action and stacking your wins
  • Confidence-building techniques pulled from the fields of life coaching and behavioral psychology to become your own biggest and best life coach
  • Fun featured experts sprinkled in throughout the year — sharing proven real-world tips, to get juicy insider shortcuts and tricks from the real experts (to help you find the easy way)
  • Hit list of fresh inspiration — videos, books, podcasts, TED talks, and more to keep you high-vibe and motivated. I don’t share this anywhere else! It’s hot off the press.
  • Exclusive behind-the-scenes trainings (nothing like these exist anywhere else!)
  • Private Facebook group to share wins, get feedback on questions, and make meaningful friendships that go way beyond surface-level
“Consider her the queen of confidence. When Susie talks about being bold, people listen. I loved sharing her advice on stirring up courage with readers of my stories at Family Circle.”
Lynya Floyd
Former Health Director at Family Circle Magazine
“There’s NO person better to show you how to become confident than Susie. She’s the real deal. No matter your background or beliefs or how low your self-esteem, if you’re willing to trust her, she’ll show you just how self-assured and authentically yourself you can really be.”
Ruth Soukup
NYT Bestselling Author, Founder of Living Well, Spending Less

One final bit of free life coaching…

At this point, you already know the simple difference between a life that feels like the easy anticipation of a night before vacation and one that feels like a drag really comes down to three steps…
Reprogramming your THINKING and rewiring your brain — through proven visualization, conscious thought choosing, and possibility tapping exercises…
Inspired FEELINGS — that keep your energy and mindset on the path of growth, vibrancy, and ever more ease, enjoyment, and fun.
Decisive ACTION — focusing on only the most powerful tasks that move the needle of your life in a meaningful way…

And if you’re still with me, I want to tie a bow on this convo with some of my Susie signature tough love…

Every day, people receive news that changes their lives — a medical diagnosis, a tragic accident, a loss of something they thought they’d have forever.

Didn’t expect the perky blonde to go dark on you, right? 😜

But this is the essential truth of life, my love! And all of us need to face it.

Most of us live like we’ll always have tomorrow, putting off what we really want to do, say, feel, make, BE until someday. But here’s the unfair reality: “someday” isn’t guaranteed. Ever.

The only guarantee is that your life is happening right now. That’s why there will never be a better moment to get serious about building a life you’re obsessed with. Not tomorrow, not next year, not when you lose 15 pounds and get that promotion. NOW.

With the low price of this membership, wouldn’t you rather see what it’s like to master the motor of your mind and change your life… rather than risk missing out on all the fantastic things in store for you (that you didn’t even realize were possible)?

This is your invitation to join me to close the gap between big dreaming and tremendous results.

This can be the moment you look back on, months from now when you realize it all started to change. Your goals, emotions, outcomes, attitude, and life — everything aligned once you combined the right thinking with the right actions and the right mental fuel.

Most people reading this will think about it, leave the tab open on their phone for a few days, then get distracted and forget all about it. But that’s not you, right?

I encourage you to make a choice — right here, right now — about what action you want to take next. Experience shows us that “later” means “never” pretty fast.

YOU are your greatest asset. And there will never be a better moment than now to start harnessing all the potential your life has to offer!

If you’re ready, I can’t wait to join you in Self Coaching Society as you change the course of your life towards more purpose, more joy, and more ease.

Join today for $97 USD

(Followed by $29 monthly)
No commitment required — cancel anytime!
Earnings Disclaimer
I don't believe in get rich programs – just in adding value, hard work and helping others. All of our programs are intended to help you share your passion, live a happier life and become the version of yourself you deserve to be. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies.

After all, it takes hard work to succeed in any type of business. In fact, it takes hard work to succeed at ANYTHING in life! Your results in life are up to you and the amount of effort and resources that you are willing to put into succeeding. We just want to help you by giving you amazing content, tips, direction and strategies that help you move forward to business success. Nothing on this page or any of our sites is a promise or guarantee of future earnings or results, and we do not offer any legal, tax, medical or other professional or similar advice. Any financial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are simply estimates or projections, and should not be considered exact, actual or as a promise of potential earnings.

All testimonials that you see are sent by those giving the testimonial and are assumed to be an honest reflection of the results achieved, although we are not able to guarantee this. The numbers should be considered for illustrative purposes only. In fact, the average person that purchases this and other programs never puts the work into implementing the strategies taught and therefore achieves little or no results.

Our more detailed disclaimer, privacy policy and terms for this program and website can be seen below. It's all the regular legal jargon and nothing to be intimidated by, but we believe in transparency and maintaining a high standard of integrity and want you to feel good about this purchase! I'm so excited to work with you!